Exciting news!!!! The Sarah Awards and Audible are partnering up for this year's short fiction audio contest. We're calling it the Brave + Bold Audio Fiction Contest and we want YOU, YOU, AND YOU to blow us away with audio fiction we've never heard before. The winner of the contest will receive a $15,000 development deal with Audible to create an audio fiction pilot. The deadline for submission is Thursday, February 15, 2018. Questions? Email us at: info@thesarahawards.com
Brave + Bold wants you to create a short scene of your audio fiction vision. It should be short—only two to four minutes—and can be anywhere in the story. You can leave us hanging after the first few minutes, drop us into the middle or your story, or even tell us the end. Think of it like you're teasing us with a clip of your story and have us wanting more.
(Please read the official rules for all the guidelines and restrictions.)
Where to Begin?
In keeping with the Sarah Awards Very, Very, Short Short Stories contest tradition, Brave + Bold has dialogue prompts written by various Sarah Lawrence College writing faculty that should be used as creative inspiration for your submission. Your team should pick one of the dialogue prompts below to use as creative inspiration, and incorporate it into your audio submission.
- "Nicknames are like death." (Clifford Thompson)
- "Some people like Siri, but I prefer the Magic 8Ball." (Brian Morton)
- “I could feel you shuddering next to me; you didn’t understand what was happening.”(Nelly Reifler)
- “They leave under the cover of dawn, like duck hunters or criminals.” (JoAnn Beard)
Content Guidelines
A few things to keep in mind when developing your Audio Scene:
- The Audio Scene must be fictional.
- While entrants are welcome to submit original science fiction scenes, we are especially interested in fiction genres other than science fiction.
- The premise of the Audio Scene should be clear and demonstrate potential for a complete audio show with ongoing seasons.
- The scene must depict a clear conflict. “Conflict” is open to interpretation but it should be the engine of your series, driving the plot forward.
- No more than 5 characters may be involved in the scene.
- The scene should NOT be a trailer featuring a montage of clips, or a trailer of disconnected flashes.
- Submission must be in English.
- Click here for the official rules
- Be a legal resident of one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.
- Be at least 18 or the age of majority in your state of residence.
Ready to Enter?

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Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Finalists (Part 1)
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