Open for submissions!
The Sarah Lawrence College International Audio Fiction Awards is now accepting submissions! Winners will receive $3750 in cash prizes ($2000 for first place, $1000 for second place, $500 for third place, $250 for Best New Artist) and be celebrated at our virtual award ceremony on November 22, 2020.
To be eligible
Entries must have been produced between March 2018 and October 2020.
Entries must be between 3 minutes and 60 minutes in length.
Each entry will be judged individually.
Serialized works are allowed to enter, but the entry for each series can be no more than 60 minutes. Those choosing to enter series can use that time however they want. You can upload an episode that you believe is representative of the series, provide excerpts from multiple episodes, etc. The entry can not be more than 60 minutes. Each entry will be judged individually.
Entries of all languages are admissible. However, if your works are not in English, you must provide a transcript in English.
We cannot offer individual critiques of declined audio or reasons for declining audio from the nominations.
All works must be fiction–no documentaries will be accepted. (However, mockumentaries will be happily accepted.)
Questions? Email us at
You may submit as many entries as you like.
Technical requirements
Each entry should consist of one audio file. (MP3)
Entries are only accepted through Submittable. There you will find clear instructions for uploading your story. If you need help or have any questions, please email us:
All entries must include
Brief producer bio (80 words max)
One audio file per entry
Synopsis of your entry
Entry fee
If submission is not in English, you must provide an English transcript.
Fees and deadlines
It’s Free!
All entries must be uploaded by Friday, October 23rd, 2020 at 5 p.m. EST
Entries uploaded after Friday, October 23rd, 2020 by 5 p.m. EST will not be judged.
All entries will be made online through Submittable. If you have any issues or problems, please email

Serendipity Ep 17:
Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Finalists (Part 1)
In this episode of Serendipity, we play 5 of the 10 finalists for our 2016 Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Contest. Featuring: "Bitterly Cold" by David Garland, "The Staging Area" by Jason Gots, "Noir" by Pa Ying Vang, "#blessed" by Jackie Heltz, and "Blinking" by La Cosa Preziosa. Read More

Sarah Awards 2020 Judges
We’re excited to bring back the 2020 Sarah Awards with this talented trio of audio fiction judges. Read More

Getting On with James Urbaniak
James Urbaniak is the kind of podcaster that other producers love to hate. His show, Getting On with James Urbaniak, consists of nothing but a single voice reading a fictional soliloquy, often written by someone else. There is almost no elaborate soundscaping, no intricate plot development, little evidence of endless editing sessions to get the thing just right. Getting On sounds like Urbaniak cruised into the studio, an iced latte in hand, and finished recording before his drink grew tepid. None of this would be infuriating if the podcast in question wasn’t so good. Read More