News & Events

2016 Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Contest!!


Welcome to the the 2016 Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Contest! We're excited to announce that this year we are partnering with the inestimable podcast, KCRW's The Organist. This year's winners will be featured in the forthcoming season of The Organist. Winners will also receive a free artistic interpretation of their work from artist Cal Tabuena-Frolli, a copy of Hindenburg Journalist Pro and $200. Deadline is Monday, November 21st at midnight EST.
(Note: Pieces MUST be between 1-3 minutes long.)


You have three rules to follow, all thought up by members of the Sarah Lawrence College writing department faculty. They include: dialogue that must be used in the story, a sound that must be used in the story, and a narrative constraint that must be used in the story. Choose ONE author for each entry. (However you can enter as many times as you wish).

Sophie McManus

  • Dialogue: "It's a strange kind of justice."
  • Sound: Whispering
  • Narrative: Include the color green.

Martha Rhodes

  • Dialogue: "The dog you know you are has mange."
  • Sound: A stomach growling
  • Narrative: A woman opens a high-end shoe store in a town with 80% unemployment.

Clifford Thompson

  • Dialogue: "Do one thing for a person, and he think he owes you; do everything for a person, and he thinks you owe him."
  • Sound: Cicadas whirring
  • Narrative: The action takes place during the hottest summer on record.

Tiphanie Yaniquie

  • Dialogue: "But I got lost in the graveyard."
  • Sound: A baby crying.
  • Narrative: The setting must be a locale where either salt or sugar is produced.

Carol Zoref

  • Dialogue: "The animals kept arriving."
  • Sound: Knives being sharpened.
  • Narrative: Someone dies from suffocation.

And More Rules...

  • Stories must be between 1-3 minutes.
  • Stories must be uploaded as either an MP3 or a .Wav file.
  • You can enter as many times as you like, however, each story must have the elements from one author--no mixing and matching.
  • Stories must include all three elements to be considered as a winner.
  • We welcome entries from around the world! However, entries not in English will need a transcript.
  • You can work as a team, however, we can only offer 1 piece of artwork and 1 copy of Hindenburg Pro to the winners.
  • Deadline is Monday, November 21, 2016 at midnight EST.
  • If you have any questions, please email:





Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Finalists (Part 1)

Serendipity Ep 17:

Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Finalists (Part 1)

In this episode of Serendipity, we play 5 of the 10 finalists for our 2016 Very, Very, Short, Short Stories Contest. Featuring: "Bitterly Cold" by David Garland, "The Staging Area" by Jason Gots, "Noir" by Pa Ying Vang, "#blessed" by Jackie Heltz, and "Blinking" by La Cosa Preziosa. Read More

Sarah Awards 2020 Judges


Sarah Awards 2020 Judges

We’re excited to bring back the 2020 Sarah Awards with this talented trio of audio fiction judges. Read More

Getting On with James Urbaniak


Getting On with James Urbaniak

James Urbaniak is the kind of podcaster that other producers love to hate. His show, Getting On with James Urbaniak, consists of nothing but a single voice reading a fictional soliloquy, often written by someone else. There is almost no elaborate soundscaping, no intricate plot development, little evidence of endless editing sessions to get the thing just right. Getting On sounds like Urbaniak cruised into the studio, an iced latte in hand, and finished recording before his drink grew tepid. None of this would be infuriating if the podcast in question wasn’t so good. Read More